Imacapa - (Re)construir la casa con palabras e imágenes siglos XV y XVI

«Calling a spade a spade: (Re)constructing fifteenth and sixteenth-century housing with words and images



Call for papers. Revista De Medio Aevo. Tema monográfico del nº 15/1 (2026-1);!!D9dNQwwGXtA!TEGI6J2b4qC_JxQvQ3H31IiMYLfcHn5PGCcZXUMiOJNBbHYyxMctIYTR4akwTmz-HW5j5q01z58$

Monographic theme of the issue # 15/1 (2026-1)

Houses of Christians, Muslims, and Jews in the 15th century

Guest Editors: María Elena Díez Jorge and Christine Mazzoli Guintard

Deadline: November 15, 2025

This monographic dossier aims to advance our understanding of houses in the Hispanic context, considering the different ways of life that converged in the Iberian Peninsula during the 15th century.


The project participates in the Meeting «Donne per l’arte e l’architettura nella prima Età Moderna», organized by the Università Tor Vergata (Rome) on February 23, 2024.

María Elena Díez Jorge delivers the lecture "Donne e architettura: dal cantiere alla casa (XV-XVI secolo)."

Proyect data

Calling a spade a spade: (Re)constructing fifteenth and sixteenth-century housing with words and images

Project PID2022-136565NB-I00

Funded by MCIU/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033 and by ERDF, EU

Previous proyects

Image logo: La Anunciación (detail), León Picardo, ca 1501-1535. Prado Museum.