Dra. Ana Aranda Bernal. Senior Lecturer of Art History at the Pablo de Olavide University of Seville. She is a specialist in the study of women in the art system during the Late Middle Ages and Modern Times. Her research also focuses on Andalusia’s artistic environment and architecture, especially housing, the distribution of its spaces and uses, as well as its associated material culture. She is co-principal investigator of this IMACAPA project.
Dra. Sonia Caballero Escamilla. Senior Lecturer of Art History at the University of Granada. She is a specialist in fifteenth and sixteenth century sculpture and painting in Castile, as well as their iconographic analysis and the visual recovery of domestic interiors through the study of artistic representations.
Dra. Mª Elena Díez Jorge. Full Professor of Art History at the University of Granada. She is a specialist in Mudejar art, focusing especially on architecture and the late medieval period and the transition to modernity (fifteenth and sixteenth centuries). She has particularly emphasised the gender perspective in her research on architecture and domestic spaces. Regarding the project theme, she has directed several R&D projects, such as "De puertas para adentro" (HAR HAR2014-52248-P) [Going inside], Vestir la casa: espacios, objetos y emociones en los siglos XV y XVI (PGC2018-093835-B-100) [Dressing the house: spaces, objects, and emotions in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries] (PGC2018-093835-B-100), and currently this IMACAPA project.
Dr. Miguel Ángel Espinosa Villegas. Senior Lecturer of Art History at the University of Granada. Specialist in Hispanic-Jewish and Sephardic art, architecture, urbanism, aesthetics and Jewish thought, peace, conflicts, and identity through art.
Dr. María Aurora Molina Fajardo. Assistant Professor at University of Alcalá (Department of History and Philosophy). She is a specialist in rural Granada town planning and domestic spaces during the Modern Age. Her focus is the study of everyday life of peripherical societies attending their dwellings, material culture and ways of life.
Dra. Dolores Rodríguez Gómez. Senior Lecturer in the Department of Semitic Studies at the University of Granada. She specialises in fifteenth-century Arabic documents from Granada allowing to define and characterise the different parts of the house, such as the storerooms and granaries.
Dra. Dolores Serrano-Niza. Senior Lecturer of Arab and Islamic Studies at the University of La Laguna. She is a specialist in medieval Arabic lexicography, and, linked to this discipline, in Andalusian and Moorish clothing and textiles. This allows an analysis of the household furnishings that dress fifteenth-century Andalusian houses and their continuation in sixteenth-century homes.
Dra. Mª Jesús Viguera Molins. Emeritus full Professor in the Department of Arab and Islamic Studies at the Complutense University of Madrid and member of the Royal Academy of History. She is a specialist in Andalusian Arabic manuscripts allowing the recovery of housing data, more specifically that related to women's experiences and domestic buildings, especially in relation to the fifteenth century.
Dra. Esther Cruces Blanco. Archivist and Director of the Archivo General de Indias [General Archive of the Indies] in Seville. She is a specialist in the management of fifteenth and sixteenth-century public archives and documentation as instruments for describing, among other aspects, domestic spaces, furnishings, and women's experiences, as well as the transformation of buildings: houses, palaces, baths and Nasrid mosques.
Dña. María del Pilar López Pérez. Architect and Associate Lecturer at the Faculty of Arts of the National University of Colombia (Bogotá, Colombia). She is a specialist in mainly Columbian sixteenth and seventeenth-century housing and household furnishings in relation to spaces and daily life.
Dra. Christine Mazzoli-Guintard. Senior Lecturer of Medieval History at the University of Nantes (France). She is a specialist in al-Andalus urbanism, working on the contributions of material culture to the urban fact, the influence of gender on domestic architecture and the experience of "otherness" in al-Andalus cities (Jews, Christians and Muslims).
Dra. María Núñez González. Architect and Lecturer in the Department of Architectural Graphic Expression at the University of Seville. She is a specialist in the analysis, drawing and evolution of Sevillian farmhouses, and is able to virtually reconstruct fifteenth and sixteenth-century houses, illustrating the architecture of the time.
Dra. Rosalía Oliva Suárez. Historian at the "Oficina del Historiador" [Office of the Historian] of the City of Havana. She is a specialist in social history, the relationship between urbanism and architecture during the development of Cuban society in the colonial period. Associate Lecturer at the San Gerónimo University College of the University of Havana (Cuba). In charge of historical-artistic reports on houses that are currently being restored in Havana’s old town.
Dr. Jean Passini. Architect, researcher, and director of research at the CNRS in Paris. He has studied medieval urbanism and fifteenth-century housing in Spain for over 40 years, focusing on the city of Toledo.
Dra. Mª Isabel Álvaro Zamora. Retired full Professor of Art History at the University of Zaragoza. She is a specialist in Mudejar ceramics, as well as in furnishing-based Mudejar and Moorish house characterisation. Her extensive research career has revolved around the study of the following topics: ceramics and decorative arts; Mudejar art and its relations with Islamic art; late Gothic and Modern architecture and arts; as well as fifteenth and sixteenth-century domestic space. To this end, she has participated in a wide range of research projects and her scientific contribution is visible in the publication of books, articles in specialised journals, proceedings, dictionaries, and exhibition catalogues.
Laura Ferrer Galbán. Graduated in Art History from the University of Santiago de Compostela. Master in Medieval Iberian World: Hispania, al-Andalus Sefarad from the University of Malaga and the Autonomous University of Madrid, where he obtained the Extraordinary Prize. She has obtained a grant for the training of research faculty from Ministery os Science (MCIU) for the period 2024-2028. PHD Doctoral Student at the University of Granada, carrying out her Thesis Project on domestic spaces and furnishings in the Hispanic Late Middle Ages under the direction of María Elena Díez Jorge.